Month: March 2021

Don’t save files on the Desktop!
The staff and students of the University of Wellington learned this lesson when maintenance on the computers and network went terribly wrong: A grad student reported that not “only files on the desktop were gone” but “my whole computer had been reset, too,” which would be consistent with an AD operation removing her user […]

Beware of scammers!
It seems that every month or so some scammer on the internet gets the bright idea of send emails to staff members. The scammer usually tries to impersonate a principal or the superintendent. This scamming technique is called a phishing attack. The attacker will try to get you to do something, and make it seems […]

Create memorable passwords and save them
After our nice password reset, I thought it was time to cover some of the basics of password creation and usage. Important password tips: Never write them down Do not use family/pet names or other identifiable information NEVER USE THE SAME PASSWORD ON MORE THAN ONE SITE/SERVICE Creating a secure password Just like shot put […]

National Parks virtual field trips resources
At the fall state technology coordinators meeting links to national parks virtual field trips was shared. The document is 9 pages of information and links to several national parks and other entities that are offering virtual field trips. Quite a few are free to boot! […]