Our student ID #s are either 5 digit or 9 digits. The student ID # is the best way to reference a student, whether when you are talking to the technology department, using the student in the various online services, or talking to other teachers and/or the office. 

However, there is a tendency to drop the 7000 from the 9 digit student ID #s, but this causes other problems.

  • There may be another student with the same last 5 digits of the ID #.
  • All of the online services, include ProgressBook, using the full 9 digits.

Please use the full 9 digit student ID # when keeping class lists or referencing students to outside parties.

Student Passwords

For services that don’t use Google logins, the student will use the KCS passwords. Depending on the service, the student may need to put a capital K at the start of their password. To test this, have the student try their regular password and if it doesn’t work, try it with a capital K at the front.

Student account status

As we start the new year, there are several services used across the district which need the student accounts and class rosters to be updated. Here is the status on these services.

  • AIMSweb – In progress
  • MobyMax – Completed
  • IXL – Completed
  • SAM/RC/RI – Completed
  • McGraw Hill/ConnectED – Completed
  • TCI – Completed – New this year is using Clever to set up accounts and roster the students under the correct program. Let me know if anything is incorrect so I can get it fixed.
  • Ohio As America – Completed
  • ThinkCentral – Science 5-8 – In progress