Today we’re introducing the next era of G Suite for Education: Google Workspace for Education. Google Workspace for Education includes all the products you already use, like Classroom, Meet, Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides and many more. More than 170 million students and educators worldwide rely on our suite of tools. Everything you need to teach, learn, connect and share will remain all in one place, accessible from anywhere on any device.

Source: Google Workspace for Education – The Keyword

The entire range of Google products that we use at Kenton City Schools is now call Google Workspace for Education. Previously it was called G Suite for Education, and before that it was called Google Apps for Education. Google has a thing for renaming products.

Google Workspace for Education includes the following as core services:

  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Forms
  • Google Drive
  • Google Groups for Business
  • Google Chat/Meet
  • Google Jamboard
  • Google Keep
  • Google Tasks

From now on, you will hear the term Google Workspace for Education. Don’t be alarmed, it’s just a new name for our current services.